Getting Ready...We've Arrived in Houston

"Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them..." -Joshua 1:2

In just one short week, there has been alot of "getting ready" for this trip. I read a devotional tonight and it really spoke to me because the "getting ready" is so much more than the obvious. We don't know what is going to happen this week. But we are filled with a purpose and a hope that something AMAZING will happen. Amazing may not look like what we expect, but we know it's coming.

Everyone made it here safely today! Houston is a much bigger city than Nashville, and the roads are quite tricky to say the least. However, we managed to avoid any accidents or major vehicle damage after turning the wrong way down a street, running a red light, missing a couple exits, ramping a curb and bottoming out on a median (We all 3 had a chance to drive and we all contributed to the above mentioned mishaps)  :)  After Mrs. Barbara and Coach picked me up at the airport, we ended the driving fiasco at a nice little Mexican restaurant that was favored by the locals. It was busy, the food was great, and the conversation even better.

Conversation that was real and RAW. Talking about cancer and treatment and your wishes and stepping into the unknown is difficult. But it has to be done. I applaud Mrs. Barbara for taking that difficult step. I don't even know what I want to order for dinner, and she is so confident in so many decisions. We talked about how difficult it has been to lose her hair, eyebrows and eyelashes (may seem silly to some, but I have found each person I've known with cancer has something "silly" that someone else doesn't get, but it's still real to them). We talked about how she has done everything she can to raise her children, that she just wants to play with her grandkids, and how that could be made possible when they live in several different states. We cried, talked some serious stuff, and laughed while we ate at our wobbly table propped up with paper napkins in a cozy Mexican restaurant in a very tiny section of this big busy city.

And in addition to the blessing of making it to the hotel in one piece, I met a tremendously wonderful woman on the flight here today. I believe God sat her next to me and gave her a nudge to talk to this girl who very clearly didn't want to talk to anyone (I sat close to the window, had my earbuds in while I fiercely took notes for tomorrow's doctor visit. I had NO intention of talking to anyone on the flight today). She had noticed the "MD Anderson" on the top of my paper and very kindly tapped me and apologized for being nosy and asked if I was a patient or visiting someone as she knew several people that worked there. I explained the story, and and we had a fantastic conversation the rest of the flight. She's a mom of me. Her name is Jenny, and as we exchanged cell numbers, the last 4 digits of her number are the exact same as mine! All little coincidences, but how cool! I smiled the whole way out of the airport!

So, here were are in Houston, ready for what the Lord has for us this week. Thank you all for your kind words and comments. Mrs. Barbara reads them all and is blessed by every one!

[From tonight's devotional by Glennis Whitwer]

"Joshua told the people, 'Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.'" -Joshua 3:5

Heavenly Father, Your plans for us are perfect. Help us to trust You more and get ready for what You have planned. And Lord, please give us patience as we wait on Your perfect timing. In Jesus' Name, Amen.